Home remedies to overcome lethargy
Fugitive modern life and many kinds of stress, not only physically but mentally also exhaust the person. Everyone feels tired, but many people complain of pain in the whole body. People often take painkillers to reduce pain. These medicines give instant relief, but long-term use can cause harm.
Come, know the home remedies to prevent tiredness
1. Green Tea
Drinking a cup of green tea is very effective to relieve tiredness. Drinking green tea regularly also keeps weight under control. Green tea is very beneficial if you have muscle pain.
2. Ginger Tea
Ginger tea acts as a natural painkiller. It also makes the person feel refreshed. Mixing ginger in a decoction of basil can also be drunk.
3. Fennel
In addition to enhancing the taste of a dish, fennel is also very effective in bringing freshness in the breath. Fennel is definitely used in the kitchen. Eating fennel clears the stomach and makes you feel refreshed.
4. Thyme
Oregano also acts as a pain reliever. They are very beneficial in repairing broken limbs of the body and joint pain.
5. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, which helps fight laziness and tiredness. If you feel tired during half an hour exercise, it means that you are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is essential for building oxygen in the body during exercise. Due to its deficiency, tiredness occurs quickly.
6. Walnut
Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids not only relieve fatigue and laziness, but it also prevents depression. So eating walnuts will remove your nap problem.
7. Grain
Cereals are high in fiber. Therefore, it is helpful in eradicating laziness and fatigue. Cereals contain complex carbohydrates. They are helpful in fighting fatigue.
8. Red Chili
Red chilli contains vitamin C, which relieves fatigue. Red pepper keeps the brain active and we always feel refreshed.
9. Curd
The good bacteria present in yogurt keep the digestive system strong. If curd is eaten twice a day for 4 weeks, then physical and mental health along with immunity also increases and fatigue is reduced.