12 Most important tips for modern women that will always work

12 Most Important tips for modern women 

Modern women are more conscious, more aware and more courageous, but still when it comes to taking care of themselves, the same carelessness. Somewhere you are not one of these who are worried about weight gain but do not make any meaningful effort to lose weight

 Someone has an excuse that if he does not get time for himself, then nobody really has time. In such a situation, it is also difficult to visit a female doctor on a regular basis.  But if some special methods are adopted, then you can take special care of yourself at home.

 Let us tell you some tips to include in the routine, which you can keep healthy by doing it.

 1). Leaving the elevator and adopt the ladder 

 Even if you are in a hurry, leave the lift in your routine and climb off the ladder. This will keep your heart healthy and your feet will have good exercise.

 2). Breakfast Breakfast

 Make break fast an essential part of your routine. Breakfast increases your metabolism and gives you energy throughout the day. Women who do not have breakfast are thicker than women who do breakfast, so do healthy breakfast.

 3). Spare time for Hobby

 Everyone definitely has some hobby. Reading books, painting, writing, craft making anything. You too must do your hobby in free time. This will make your mind happy, which will have a positive effect on your whole body and mind.

 4). Monitor Weight Regularly

 Monitor your weight periodically.  Maintain the weight according to your height. If the weight is increasing, instead of giving up food, control the weight through healthy way i.e. exercise, fruit diet etc.

 5). Take care of posture 

 How are you sitting, how are you standing, take care of it. Many women tend to tilt the shoulders or sit at the waist while sitting and standing, which affects the bones.  Getting up in the right posture relaxes your waist and neck and puts less pressure on the bones.

 6). Milk and fruit are important 

 Make a routine that you have to drink a glass of milk at night and eat a fruit in the morning breakfast.  Milk provides enough calcium to your bones which is extremely important with aging.

 7). Take care of hygiene 

 Take care of personal hygiene.  Undergarments should always be clean, it is better to be cotton.  Periodically change the tree from time to time and take care of cleanliness. Cleaning of pubic hair is also important so that you can avoid infection.

 8). Check Breasts Regularly

 Because the risk of breast cancer in women has increased, so periodic monitoring is necessary. For this, you keep doing breast test from time to time. For this, by raising both hands, check if there is any difference in size. Touch the hand to see if there is a knot and there is no skin cut or any leakage.

 9). Go for a walk 

 If you are not able to exercise, then get in the habit of walking right for half an hour in the morning. A walk in the open and fresh air in the morning corrects blood circulation and the brain also gets oxygen, which activates both the mind and body.

 10). Make Routines

 Make routines and schedule time for everything. This will not put any pressure on you and you will not be under stress. Work will deal with time and you will be happy.

 11). Don't Forget Laughing 

 Whatever you want, do not forget to blossom. Laughing is a medicine of lac disease. Laughing causes the release of feel-good hormones that keep both the brain and body healthy.

 12). Meet the Female Doctor 

 Once in six months, even if you are not sick, you should definitely meet your singer. Do your investigation once in six months and increase the information. Stay updated on healthy news.
