9 Class Physics Guess Paper 2021

In matriculation, physics is elective subject. This subject is very interesting, informative and practical subject. This subject requires a lot of hard work. Usually students put a lot of their efforts. They spend most of their time in learning theory, physics concept building and practicing calculations. They pay expensive tuition fees to academies or tutor. At the end of the day, they do not get the marks they deserve. Considering such problems among students, we are providing guess papers of physics for 9th class students who will appear in 2021 annual examination.

On our website you can download free of cost physics guess papers for the year 2021. These guess papers are prepared after detailed analysis of past five years exams and after great efforts by teachers specialized in physics, we come up with these guess papers. These papers will help all kinds of students who want to score good grades in this tricky subject, whether you are weak, average or bright student. The students who usually start their examination at eleventh hour, our guess paper are the exact material they want right now. Our guess paper fulfills all boards of education criteria for physics course across Pakistan.

Short Question

branches, scientfc notations&exampl, base/derivd units&exampls, physical&elctronic balanc, signifcant figurs, zero eror, rest&motion, scalar&vector, linear&random/ circular&rotatry motion, distance&displacemnt, acelration, speed,vlocity, dynamics, mass&weight, inertia, newton 1st&3rd law, centriptal¢rifugal force, limiting friction&eq,friction&its reducing, bankng of road,cream seprators, momnt arm,centr of gravity,couple, law of gravitation&eq, difernt valus of g, like&unlik forcs,stable&neutral equlibrum,uses of comuncation satelite,work&joul, enrgy&4typs, power&watt,k.e&p.

Long Question

2nd&3rd eq of motion, newton 1st&2nd law, importanc of vector quantitis,law of consrvation of momentm, 1st condition of equlibrum, braking&skidng,centripetal force,mas of earth, use of conductor&non condctnrs, motion of artificial satlite, pascal law&hydralic pres,archimedes princple, kinetic enrgy,pressur&formula, submarin&ship,thermal expansion&eq of linear thrmal expansn.


Principle of moments,+&-zero eror, graph, vrnier calipr.

Physic guess paper 2021 for 9th class has published. Guess has also uploaded on this page. Students can check or download physic guess paper on this site. Those students who are searching 9th class physic guess paper 2021, they are now able to check physic guess paper 2021 as guess paper proper detail is available on this page. Visitors can check or download any subject guess paper as all subject guess papers 2021 available on this site. Visitors can check any important subject like Biology, Chemistry or Math guess paper easily through this site as all subject guess papers are now available on this site. Keep visiting on this site and check any subject guess paper 2021 for 9th class.
